For further information,please contact: Can Sozer Partner Publications 09/09/2021 09/06/2022 Protection Newsletter – September 2021PublicationsIT & CommunicationsGeneralWe share with you important decisions and announcements published by the Personal Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) and other important developments about data privacy as of this month.Please click the below image to download our note. Recommended for youDoing Business in Türkiye 2024Latest Turkish Fintech DevelopmentsRegulation on Processing of Personal Data in Electronic Communications Sector PublishedTurkish Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures TightenedCOVID-19: Termination Prohibition and Unpaid Leave Extended to March 2021Turkey Publishes Draft Regulation on Variations in Medicinal Products for Human UseAmendments on Decree on the Pricing of PharmaceuticalTİTCK Announces Changes for Certification Process for Cosmetic ProductsThe Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding Short-Term Working and Short-Term Working Allowance has been publishedTurkey Publishes Product Safety Inspection Results for 2018An Increase in Withholding Tax Rates Applied to Years-Long Construction and Restoration Works