For further information,please contact: Hakan Ozgokcen Partner Publications 14/04/2022 09/06/2022 Competition Law BulletinPublicationsCompetitionGeneralWe would like to share our Quarterly Competition Law Bulletin to provide our views regarding the recent updates in the Turkish competition law ecosystem.Please click the below image to download our note. Recommended for youDoing Business in Türkiye 2024Public Offerings Incentivized in the Electricity Distribution SectorCOVID-19: Short-Term Working, Termination Prohibition and Unpaid Leave ExtendedSafety First: TİTCK Announces the Certified Pharmacovigilance Service ProvidersTurkey Publishes List of Professionals That Must Employed at Food and Feed PremisesIstanbul Financial Center: Details UnfoldedDigital Wallet Era Begins in TürkiyeTurkey aligns its prospectus rules with EU standardsWhat do the Amendments to Customs Legislation Entail?COVID-19: Short-Term Working Allowance IIRecent Amendments to the Workplace Opening and Operation License Regulation