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Legal Alerts

TİTCK Announcement on EBS Notifications of Precursors and Controlled Substances

Legal Alerts

Recent Developments

The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (“TİTCK”) announced on its website on July 10, 2019 that pharmaceutical companies must make their consumption-stock notifications regarding controlled substances/precursors through the Electronic Notification System (tr. EBS).

What’s New?

The TİTCK announced that as of January 2019, relevant pharmaceutical companies must make their consumption-stock notifications regarding precursors/controlled substances through the precursor consumption-stock module on the EBS and consumption-stock notifications regarding ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and their salts through the “Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” section on the EBS.

Consumption-stock charts for the months before January 2019 must be submitted through the system electronically. The TİTCK also stressed the importance of recording the stock quantities transferred from December 2018 to January 2019 through the new module.

The TİTCK G prepared the Guidelines for the Consumption Stock Module in order to provide guidance for pharmaceutical companies regarding their consumption-stock notifications through the EBS, which is available here (in Turkish).


The TİTCK continues to provide guidance for pharmaceutical companies. Companies should follow the TİTCK’s announcement and make their required consumption-stock notifications regarding precursor/controlled substances by following the instructions in the Guidelines.

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