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Legal Alerts

New Minimum Safety Requirements Introduced for Certain Consumer Products Recent Development

Legal Alerts
International Commercial and Trade

Recent Development

The Ministry of Customs and Trade (“Ministry”) recently published a draft amendment to the Communiqué on Compliance Assessment for Certain Consumer Products (“Draft Communiqué“).

What the Announcement Says

The amendments in the Draft Communiqué aim to introduce the minimum safety requirements for certain products frequently used in everyday life and that may pose a risk, especially to infants and children, such as liquid decorative products, balloons filled with volatile gases, children’s’ clothes, laser products and baby transport equipment.

Companies may submit their opinions by filling out the form provided on the Ministry’s website.

Once finalized, the amendments will enter into force on the date of publication.


Companies should take note of the amendments in the Communiqué, use this opportunity to cooperate with the Ministry to further improve the Communiqué and take the necessary steps to ensure compliance once it enters into force.