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Legal Alerts

Amendments to the Communiqué on Healthcare Practices

Legal Alerts

Recent Developments

The Social Security Institution (tr.SGK“) amended the Social Security Institution Communiqué (“Communiqué“) on Healthcare Practices on October 9, 2019. Accordingly, the Healthcare Services Pricing Commission (“Commission“) published a decision in the Official Gazette on the same day pursuant to the amendments to the Communiqué.

What’s New?

The amendments to the Communiqué introduced a new calculation method of the number of medical examinations that ophthalmologists working at private health service providers can conduct.
The SGK introduced new regulations on certain ophthalmologic operations conducted in private health service providers that are billed to the SGK. The SGK also updated Annex- 4/C of the Communiqué, which provides a list of pharmaceuticals supplied from abroad and the prices the SGK will pay. The amendments are available here (in Turkish).
Pursuant to the amendments to the Communiqué, the Commission published a decision on the re-pricing of certain medicines. The decision is available here (in Turkish).


The Social Security Institution continues to take active steps for the implementation of the Communiqué on Healthcare Practices. In this respect, companies in the healthcare sector and private health service providers must carefully review the amendments to the Communiqué and take necessary actions to ensure full compliance.