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Legal Alerts

Turkey Updates Cosmetics Regulation

Legal Alerts

Recent Developments

The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (the “TİTCK”) recently announced an update to the Regulation on Cosmetics.

What Does the Announcement Say?

The TİTCK announced that certain annexes of the Regulation on Cosmetics were updated to harmonize the Regulation with the corresponding EC Regulation 1223/2009.

In August of 2017, the European Commission updated Annexes II, III and IV of the EC Regulation 1223/2009. Following this change, the TİTCK also adopted the same updates to the respective Annexes. The amendments are available here (in Turkish).


The TİTCK continues to closely follow any updates and developments in the EU regulations on cosmetics and harmonize Turkish regulations on cosmetics therewith. Therefore, cosmetics companies should take note of the new updates and take the necessary steps to ensure compliance.

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